How To Avoid When Placing Concrete In Cold Weather In Del Mar?

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Placing Concrete In Cold Weather Del MarConcrete is a versatile and durable construction material that can be used in a variety of applications. However, it is important to take care when placing concrete in cold weather, as there are a few potential mistakes that can be made which can jeopardize the quality of the finished product. Here are 7 mistakes to avoid when placing concrete in cold weather:

  1. Not protecting the concrete from freezing temperatures. It is important to protect concrete from freezing temperatures, as this can cause the water in the concrete to expand and crack the concrete. One way to do this is to cover the concrete with insulating materials such as blankets or straw.
  2. Not using enough heat. In order for concrete to properly cure, it needs to be kept at a temperature of at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is too cold, the curing process will be slowed down and the quality of the finished product will be reduced.
  3. Not using enough water. When placing concrete in cold weather, it is important to use enough water so that the mix is workable. If the mix is too dry, it will be difficult to place and may not achieve the desired results.
  4. Not using a water-resistant admixture. When placing concrete in cold weather, it is important to use a water-resistant admixture in order to prevent the concrete from becoming saturated with water. This can cause the concrete to crack and crumble.
  5. Not using enough aggregate. In order for concrete to properly cure, it needs to have enough aggregate in order to support its weight. If there is not enough aggregate, the concrete may settle and crack.
  6. Not curing the concrete properly. It is important to cure concrete properly in order to achieve the desired results. One way to do this is to cover the concrete with plastic or burlap and keep it moist for at least seven days.
  7. Not using the proper mix design. When placing concrete in cold weather, it is important to use a mix design that is specifically designed for cold weather conditions. This will ensure that the concrete has the proper proportions of ingredients and that it will cure properly.


Can You Pour Concrete If It Gets Below Freezing At Night?

It is not recommended to pour concrete if the temperature gets below freezing at night. The concrete will not cure properly and can crack.

Can You Set Cement In Cold Weather?

Yes, cement can be set in cold weather. However, it is important to take precautions to prevent the concrete from freezing.

Should You Cover Concrete With Plastic In Cold Weather?

Yes, concrete should be covered with plastic in cold weather. This will help to prevent the concrete from freezing and will also help to keep it moist so that it cures properly.


It is important to take care when placing concrete in cold weather, as there are a few potential mistakes that can be made which can jeopardize the quality of the finished product. By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your concrete project is a success. For more information, contact Concrete Contractor Del Mar at (858) 314-3534.